September 2023 Spotlight on
Social Security Newsletter

The Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) Spotlight on Social Security Newsletter brings you exciting news, work incentives information, success stories, and other valuable information for beneficiaries receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and their families and the professionals serving them.

In this issue:

Upcoming Spotlight on Social Security Webinars

DOR offers webinars featuring industry experts who share valuable information and resources for beneficiaries of SSI and/or SSDI.

Don’t miss out! Go to our Webinar Calendar to register for future webinars!

This month's webinar:

Title: Disability Benefits 101 (
Date: Thursday, September 21, 2023
Time: 10:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. PST
Location: Zoom
Event Information: Many people with disabilities fear that if they go to work, they’ll lose their cash and healthcare disability benefits. Disability Benefits 101 ( helps people with disabilities, their families, and support network better understand the connections between work and benefits. In this webinar, you will learn about the great resources available on the DB101 website and how you can utilize the resources to make an informed choice about going to work while receiving Social Security disability benefits.

Presenter: (Disability Benefits 101)

Register for the September 21st Webinar on Disability Benefits 101!

Submit your question about Disability Benefits 101 (

This month’s featured Spotlight on Social Security Article: Disability Benefits 101 (

Screenshot of disability benefits 101 website - See how work and benefits go together
Photo: Screenshot of the Disability Benefits 101 website

What is Disability Benefits 101

Disability Benefits 101 (DB101) is an online resource to help people with disabilities, their families, advocates, and service providers understand the connection between benefits and work. Many people with disabilities fear that if they go to work, they will lose their cash or healthcare benefits. This is a misconception, there are many resources and work incentives available to help. DB101 is a great resource in learning more about how work can impact benefits, what resources are available, and how you can find expert assistance.

DB101 can help you make an informed choice when developing a plan to go to work.

What resources can I find on the website?

When developing a plan to work, the following information about Social Security disability programs, work rules, and work incentives is available:

  • Answers to common questions and concerns held by beneficiaries.
  • How to avoid common pitfalls.
  • Estimators and calculators that provide tailored information and recommendations based on your specific situation.
  • Expert help connect to community resources.

What is the website address?

Does DB101 provide information on state-specific programs and policies?

Yes! DB101 has state-specific websites on benefits programs and policies, including a website specifically for California residents, to help you get information on-specific federal and state administered benefits programs.

Is information on the DB101 website available in other languages?

Currently, the DB101 website is available in English and Spanish.

Do you have to create an account to use the website?

DB101 is completely accessible and there is no need to create an account. There are additional benefits when you do create an account, including the ability to bookmark various articles and information and save estimator sessions for future review.

Check out these additional resources:

Spotlight on Success: Participant Success Story

Charlie has a visual impairment and receives services through DOR to help him earn more income and live a more independent life. Through his work with DOR, he has received a variety of services to prepare for employment as a dog caretaker at a pet resort. The job was exactly what Charlie was looking for, but he was hesitant to take the job because he feared it would cause his cash and health benefits to stop; benefits which he has depended on for many years. Charlie had a lot of questions regarding his benefits. Therefore, he was referred by his Vocational Counselor to meet with a Work Incentives Planner (WIP).

While meeting with the WIP, it was verified that Charlie was receiving SSDI, Medicare, and Medi-Cal. Additionally, Charlie did meet Social Security’s definition of Statutory Blindness. Charlie’s primary concern about going to work was losing his Medi-Cal. He was also receiving In-Home Support Services (IHSS), which provides the support needed to continue living in his home. The WIP was able to provide Charlie with the information needed to make an informed choice about going to work. In meeting with the WIP, it was identified that Charlie would be able to continue receiving his SSDI because he was able to utilize various work incentives available to him. Charlie also benefits from a higher income threshold level, based on his disability. Although it was identified that he was no longer eligible for his current Medi-Cal program, the WIP was able to refer him to a different program, called the Medi-Cal Working Disabled Program, that allowed him to retain his Medi-Cal and IHSS while employed.

Charlie is now employed and happier than ever. His monthly income is twice the amount he was receiving while he was only receiving disability benefits. Since accepting his job, Charlie has received a promotion and is very excited about future opportunities.

DOR Work Incentives Planning Service

Did you know that DOR has over 30 certified Work Incentives Planners across the State of California that provide benefits planning services both in-person and virtually? Meeting with a Work Incentives Planner is a great way to get the facts about your Social Security Benefits.

Sound Interesting?

Talk to your DOR counselor to see if you are eligible for DOR Work Incentive Planning (WIP) Services.

Not currently Receiving DOR Services?

If you are ready to start an exciting journey with DOR, please click here to Get Started. You will need to provide additional information about yourself to request services.

Sound Interesting?

Talk to your DOR counselor to see if you are eligible for DOR Work Incentive Planning Services.

Subscribe to the New Spotlight on Social Security Newsletter

Subscribe now to get our Newsletter that focuses on topics related to Social Security Disability Benefits. The Newsletter will keep you up to date with the latest developments in Social Security benefits and related programs and provide you with important information that may help you make informed decisions about your benefits and work.

Did you miss last month’s newsletter? Read it online now!