CalDOR Payment Card (CPC)

Welcome to CalDOR Payment Card!
The Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) is excited to announce that the new CalDOR Payment Card is now available for Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) consumers!
This new payment card method will provide VR consumers with a quick and easy way to pay for the authorized goods and services needed to achieve Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) goals. The CalDOR Payment Card can be used for in person or on-line merchant purchases quickly, easily, and confidentially.
"We are thrilled to be the first vocational rehabilitation program in the country to simplify our service delivery for people with disabilities," said DOR Director Joe Xavier. "With this card, our consumers can do something as routine as buy a book for school or tools for a training program either online or in a store quickly, and just like anyone else. It is another step towards ensuring that people with disabilities have equitable and inclusive access in all aspects of their lives."
CalDOR Payment Card Press Release

Joe Xavier speaking to Annie next to CalDOR Card Display

Annie signing a large format CalDOR Card
To be eligible to enroll for a CalDOR Payment Card, recipients must be a DOR VR consumer who is actively participating in, or is about to enter, a plan to prepare for, obtain, and achieve an employment goal.
If you are new to DOR and interested in receiving VR services:
- Visit Getting Started to learn more about and apply for VR services.
- Contact your local DOR office for questions. Click here to find your local DOR Office .
The CalDOR Payment Card helps consumers by providing a faster, convenient, and confidential way to purchase authorized VR goods and services to help them to achieve their employment goals.
Approved funds to purchase authorized goods and services can be available for use within an hour after the funds are loaded into the consumer’s CalDOR Payment Card account.
Consumer CalDOR Payment Card recipients have access to the CPC Participant Portal to check balances, receive notifications of when approved funds are available to purchase pre-authorized goods and/or services, and to upload required itemized receipts.
There is 24/7 monitoring and fraud protection if the card is lost or stolen, and you proactively notify CalDOR Payment Card Program Services.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
If I am a current VR consumer and interested in the CalDOR Payment Card, how can I learn more?
- Contact your DOR Counselor or local DOR office to set up a CalDOR Payment Card Onboarding appointment and complete a few basic steps to enroll for your personalized CalDOR Payment Card.
- You also can find more information at CalDOR Payment Card Resources
I am a returning consumer, am I eligible for the CalDOR Payment Card?
- Contact your local DOR office or your former counselor to determine if you are still eligible for services and to assist you with the CalDOR Payment Card enrolment process.