Community Living Fund

The Community Living Fund Program advances the governor’s Master Plan for Aging (MPA) and the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) No Wrong Door model by expanding the capacity of disability and aging services and programs to provide person-centered institutional transition and diversion services for people of all ages and with any type of disability who do not qualify for existing services. The Community Living Fund Program was recommended by the MPA Long Term Service and Supports (LTSS) Stakeholder Subcommittee and is modeled off of the San Francisco Community Living Fund and the State Plan for Independent Living goals related to transition and diversion.
All people, regardless of age or disability, should be able to live independently and participate fully in their communities. Every person should have the right to make choices and to control the decisions in and about their lives. This right to self-determination includes decisions about their homes and work, as well as all the other daily choices most adults make without a second thought.
To improve access to community living, the Community Living Fund is a FY2022-2023 State Budget investment to advance the MPA over a three-year period starting July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025. The California Community Transition Fund Program is a "bridge" program that expedites the provision of goods or services not available through other means to individuals either transitioning to the community or at-risk of institutionalization.
The Department of Rehabilitation will work with a statewide network of eligible disability and aging service providers who have a demonstrated ability to provide institutional transition and diversion services. Community providers will provide person-centered services, assess individuals for needs and eligibility of services, and coordinate services with other systems designed to support people with disabilities and older adults to live in the community to reduce duplication of services and improve services coordination.
Community Living Fund Stakeholder Listening Session – June 29, 2022 (PPT)
Request For Interest: Community Living Fund Program
- Apply here:
- Review the funding application and reach out to with any questions.
- Complete the attachments A-H in the funding application titled "RFI 22-12-01 - Community Living Fund Program".
Please email responses to: with the following subject line: "RFI 22-12-01 Response Package".
The Community Living Fund Program Staff will evaluate each application.
The terminology used throughout the RFI Community Living Fund Program are defined in this document.
Community Living Fund Income Eligibility Information
The 2022 Poverty Guidelines, commonly referred to as the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Note that these amounts change based on the number of individuals in the household and the state in which one resides.
Community Living Fund Income Eligibility Information document
Transition and Diversion Program Coordination Information
The following document provides a brief overview of the Community Living Fund and supports throughout California that may be helpful when coordinating transition and diversion services for Community Living Fund consumers.
Community Living Fund Training List
To support Community Living Fund Program providers a list of self-paced online trainings on No Wrong Door System, person-centered approaches, Options counseling, and transition is available.
Community Living Fund Resource List
A list of website and document resources for No Wrong Door, person-centered practices, Options counseling services, and transition services.
Assessment Tool
Frequently Asked Questions Document
Community Living Fund Respondents Conference Slides (PPT)
Community Living Fund Provider Training Slides (PPT)