Orientation Center for the Blind

The Orientation Center for the Blind is a DOR owned and operated training facility in Albany, CA that assists job-seekers from across California who are visually impaired and blind to adjust to their vision loss and acquire the skills and tools necessary to pursue competitive integrated employment. A specialized staff of qualified teachers, trainers and rehabilitation professionals provide comprehensive training and experiences tailored to assist each participant to reach their full potential for independence. At no cost to DOR consumers, training is provided in daily living skills including cooking, independent travel, Braille and communication, assistive technology use, and the work readiness skills necessary for vocational success. Options for training include residential, individualized day programs, two-week skills assessments, or a combination of any of the above. The residential facility can support 36 participants at any given time.
How to Apply
To find a DOR counselor near you, contact the Blind Field Services section at 916-558-5480 or email Blind.Services@dor.ca.gov.
Blind Field Services maintains a core group of Counselors and Managers skilled in understanding the barriers people who are blind and visually impaired face in achieving meaningful employment and independence.
For more information on OCB and to book a tour, contact OCB directly at 1-510-559-1200 or email OCBinfo@dor.ca.gov.