Order of Selection for
Vocational Rehabilitation Services

When the department does not have enough funds to serve all applicants who are deemed eligible for our services, the federal government requires that we use an Order of Selection process. DOR must serve people with the most significant disabilities first. Placing you in a priority category provides a fair way to serve all applicants in the correct order.
All those in the "most significantly disabled" category will be served first, followed by everyone in the "significantly disabled" category and then the "disabled category."
Within each category, we serve people according to date of application. The person who applies first is served first, the person who applies second is served next, and so on, until everyone in that category has been served.
Waiting List
If the DOR does not have enough funds to serve your category, you will be placed on a waiting list until your turn comes. If you are on the waiting list, we will send you a letter every 90 days to tell you which category we are currently serving. As soon as we are able to serve your category, we will let you know. You will then be served in order of the date you submitted your application.
Department of Rehabilitation Projects Sufficient Resources to Provide Vocational Rehabilitation Services to All Priority Categories
June 21, 2024
This communication informs Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) partners and stakeholders that sufficient resources are available to provide the full range of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services listed in section 103(a) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations part 361.48. Consequently, DOR is not implementing an Order of Selection and will continue to serve all eligible individuals in all priority categories.
Order of Selection is a process for prioritizing eligible individuals that a VR agency intends to serve based on available resources and capacity. The federal government requires a state VR agency to implement an Order of Selection when it does not have sufficient resources to serve all eligible individuals.
Both state and federal regulations require DOR to review annually projected resources and projected costs for the next fiscal year. If projected resources are not adequate to meet all projected costs, an Order of Selection is declared and implemented.
The DOR will continue to monitor available resources and review spending and caseload trends. At this time, DOR anticipates continuing to serve all eligible individuals in all priority categories. If circumstances change and DOR determines that resources are not sufficient, implementing an Order of Selection may be necessary.
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