Resources for Private and Non-Profit Businesses
(Public Accommodations)

ADA Technical Assistance Program - on the U.S. Department of Justice's ADA Website.
ADA Business Connection Program -on the U.S. Department of Justice's ADA Website.
"Legal Rights of Persons with Disabilities" -available for download from the State Attorney General's website.
Department of Justice ADA Standards for Accessible Design - As published in the Title II regulations (28 CFR part 35, revised in 2010) and Title III regulations (28 CFR Part 36, revised in 2010) issued by the Department of Justice.
Division of the State Architect (DSA) - acts as California's policy leader for building design and construction, and provides design and construction oversight for K-12 schools and community colleges. DSA has offices in Los Angeles, Oakland, Sacramento, and San Diego. DSA also develops and maintains the accessibility standards and codes utilized in public and private buildings throughout California. DSA incorporates the offices of the independent State Historical Building Safety Board, caretaker of California's State Historical Building Code.
- Contact DSA
- DSA's Access Compliance Section
- State Historical Building Safety Board (DSA)
- DSA's Access Compliance Reference Manual - provides information and the text of selected California Accessibility Statutes
Building and Standards Commission - The Commission's mission is to produce sensible and usable state building standards and administrative regulations that implement or enforce those standards.
As part of the President's New Freedom Initiative, the Department of Justice is providing information to small businesses about the ADA and tax benefits to help them comply with the law.
The ADA Tax Incentives Packet contains information about the disabled access credit that is available for small businesses and the tax deduction that is available for businesses of any size to help offset some of the costs of improving accessibility for customers or employees with disabilities. It also includes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form and instructions for claiming the disabled access credit, a list of ADA publications available free from the Department of Justice, and a list of telephone numbers and Internet sites to which you can turn for answers to your ADA questions.
Service animals are animals that are individually trained to perform tasks for people with disabilities such as guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling wheelchairs, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, or performing other special tasks. Service animals are working animals, not pets. Service Animals are addressed in California law under Civil Code Section 54.1(6) through 54.1(7)(b).
More information on Service Animals:
Commonly Asked Questions About Service Animals In Places of Business - a Department of Justice publication