Public Records Requests

To Inspect or Obtain a Copy of a Public Document
The Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) creates and maintains documents, pictures, and reports (records) that are available to you as a member of the public.
The DOR Public Information Office will let you know within ten calendar days if the records you requested are public or not public, the estimated date that the records will be available, and the cost (if any). If we are unable to determine if we have the requested records, we may not be able to respond for up to 24 calendar days. If you would like to inspect the documents at a DOR office, someone will let you know when you may review the records. If you need someone to read the documents to you, let us know and we will have someone assist you.
You must reimburse the DOR for costs of copies if you request more than 100 pages. There is a ten cent cost per page for requests over 100 pages. There is no cost for inspecting records at a DOR office or for documents on a CD.
Some records are not public and cannot be provided. For instance, consumer records may be provided only if we have written agreement from the consumer. Communication between DOR employees and the legal staff are not public. For more information on exceptions to the California Public Records Act, you may wish to review the applicable law: Government Code Section 6250-6276.48 and Evidence Code Section 952.
Public records may be requested at any DOR office during business hours by calling or writing the DOR Public Information Officer at Voice: 1-916-558-5874, TTY: 1-916-558-5872, 721 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, CA 95814 or
These guidelines are available in alternative format through the Public Information Office.