School / Educational Agency

The Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) works collaboratively with secondary and postsecondary educational agencies on both statewide and local levels. These relationships help to streamline services and supports for students and individuals with disabilities of all ages.
Statewide agreements create a framework for cooperative efforts and include:
Interagency Agreement between the California Department of Education (CDE) and DOR
California Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Blueprint for Change, between the DOR, CDE, and Department of Developmental Services (DDS)
CaPROMISE, a collaborative effort between a multitude of state departments and non-profit organizations
Local relationships with schools and other agencies establish the most effective ways to work together within a specific district or region. These arrangements support a variety of services and programs, including:
Student Services
Transition Services
Cooperative Education Programs with High Schools, Adult Education, Community Colleges, and Universities
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