California Subminimum Wage to
Competitive Integrated Employment Project (CSP)

What is CSP
The California Subminimum Wage to Competitive Integrated Employment Project (CSP) is a Disability Innovation grant awarded to DOR by the U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration. CSP is a pilot research project, providing a comprehensive set of interventions and support to increase competitive integrated employment outcomes, economic self-sufficiency, independence, and inclusion for individuals with the most significant disabilities currently in, or contemplating entering, subminimum wage employment.
CSP Purpose
The CSP will test new service delivery practices and establish evidence-based approaches to vocational service delivery that address future needs with the transition from subminimum wage into competitive integrated employment for individuals traditionally excluded from competitive integrated employment, in particular individuals with ID/DD.
CSP Services
In partnership with two community colleges, San Diego Community College District and North Orange County Community College District, the main interventions and services of the CSP will include:
Job and Career Exploration
Participants will engage in job and career exploration, including information and hands-on experience with career technical education and apprenticeship in integrated settings on community college campuses.
Exploration of Self-Employment
Participants will be able to explore self-employment including micro-enterprises as an employment option.
Family Supports and Mentoring
Participants and their family members will receive supports and mentoring through connections with Family Resource Centers.
Work-Based Learning
Participants will have opportunities for work-based learning through volunteer and paid work experience.
Access to Community College Coursework
Participants will have access to community college coursework with education supports.
Customized Employment
Participants can participate in the evidence-based practice of Customized Employment through discovery and placement processes.
Peer Mentoring
Participants will receive peer mentoring support and will have the option to be trained to become a peer mentor.
Benefits Counseling
Participants and their families will receive benefits counseling and work incentives planning.
Self-Advocacy, Independent Living Skills and Workplace Readiness Training
Participants will learn about self-advocacy, independent living skills and workplace readiness training in on-campus classroom settings.
For more information about the project or on how to participate, contact