March 2025 Spotlight on
Social Security Newsletter

Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) Spotlight on Social Security Newsletter brings exciting news, work incentive information, success stories, and other valuable information for beneficiaries receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security (SSI), their families, and the professionals who serve them. Our webinar and newsletter series are offered every other month.

In this issue:

Upcoming Spotlight on Social Security Webinar

DOR offers webinars, provided by industry experts who share valuable information and resources for beneficiaries of SSI and/or SSDI.

Don’t miss out! Go to our Webinar Calendar to register for future webinars!

This month's webinar:

Title: Mastering Disability Services: Empowering Individuals, Families, Caregivers and Professionals to Access Disability Resources.
Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025
Time: 10:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. PST
Location: Zoom
Event Information: Looking for trusted information on disability awareness, special education, or transitions to adulthood? Parent Training Information Centers, Family Empowerment Centers, and the Department of Developmental Services' Family Resource Centers throughout California are here to help.

Join Alyssa DiFilippo, Program Manager of Parents Helping Parents' Connections California, to learn about:

  • Finding a parent center near you
  • Services available to individuals, families and professionals
  • Age groups served by various parent centers
  • Tools and up to date information for help at home, school, and work
  • Counties served by Parents Helping Parents and Connections California, a statewide resource hub for transition to adulthood, adult services and more.

Register for the March 20th Webinar

Featured Spotlight Article – Bridging Benefits to Work: Resources and Tools to Help You Navigate the Journey to Independence

Explore free resources designed to help you transition to work successfully and gain independence while managing your disability benefits. Knowing where to turn for guidance is important, and we hope these tools provide the support you need to set the stage for an independent future!


California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) (Herramienta de Traduccion accessible en Espanol): Supports people with disabilities prepare for, find and keep jobs, live independently and reach their career goals. DOR offers job training, education support, assistive technology, counseling and more to help you succeed.

Social Security Ticket to Work (TTW): Explore the Ticket to Work program, find free employment support services through the TTW Employment Networks (ENs), connect with benefits counseling, attend webinars, learn about job fairs and more. For more information, call the Ticket to Work Help Line: 1-866-968-7842 (TTY: 1-866-833-2967).

America's Job Center of California (AJCC) (Spanish - AJCC)): Called "One-Stop Job Centers", offers services that bring employers and qualified job seekers together.

Benefits Planning

California Disability Benefits 101 (ca.db.101) (Spanish - ca.db.101): An online resource that offers clear and accurate information on work and benefits, easy-to-use estimators and tools to help you plan ahead.

DOR Work Incentive Planning Services (WIP Services): WIP Services help people understand how working affects their disability benefits and healthcare, how to report wages, and what work incentives are available to help with a successful transition to work.

Work Incentives Planning & Assistance (WIPA) Programs: Benefits planning through the Ticket to Work (TTW) Program. Get free benefits counseling to understand how working impacts your Social Security benefits and healthcare. Find a WIPA provider near you using the TTW Find Help Tool.

Social Security Administration (SSA) (Spanish - SSA):

Managing Money

California Achieving a Better Life Experience Account (CalABLE) (Spanish - CalABLE ): Allows individuals with disabilities that began prior to age 26 to save up to $100,000 without affecting their eligibility for SSI, Medi-Cal, CalFresh or other supports. CalABLE phone: 1-833-225-2253 or learn more by downloading the 2025 CalABLE Fact Sheet (Spanish - Fact Sheet)

National Disability Institute (NDI): Online information to help people with disabilities manage their finances and well-being.

Advocacy and Legal Support

Disability Rights California (DAC): Get free legal help and advocacy on disability-related issues. Phone: 800-776-5746 (TTY: 1-800-719-5798)

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) (Spanish - EEOC):For workplace discrimination. Phone: 800-669-4000 (TTY: 800-669-6820)

Legal Aid Office: Many counties have legal aid to assist with SSI, Medi-Cal, housing and disability issues. Search for an office on (Spanish - or call 211 for local referrals.

Job Accommodation Network (JAN): Offers resources to help you understand your rights and practical steps you can take to improve workplace accommodations to help you succeed at work.

California Public Benefits

BenefitsCal (BenefitsCal) (Spanish - BenefitsCal): Makes it easy to apply for public benefits online; food assistance, cash aid, Medi-Cal and Medicare Savings Programs.

United Way: Call 211 to speak with someone about local support services, including help with utility bills, housing, food support, and healthcare. To find help near you visit 211 online (Spanish - 211 online).

Medicare Savings Programs (MSP) (Spanish - MSP): If you are having trouble paying for Medicare costs, there are ways to save money on Medicare premiums, deductibles and copayments. For more information and personalized guidance contact the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) near you. HICAP phone: 1-800-434-0222

Medi-Cal Working Disabled Program (WDP) (CA Dept. of Healthcare Services) (Spanish - HCS): Another option to help with healthcare coverage for working individuals with disabilities is the WDP Program. In 2025, earn up to $73,920 per year and still qualify for free Medi-Cal. More good news, Medi-Cal can pay Medicare premiums. You can apply for this program at your local County Social Services Office or visit, BenefitsCal.

Tax Time Tips

Tax season is here, there are a few key things to know when filing your return

Social Security and Taxes

  • SSI (Supplemental Security Income) is NOT taxable.

    • If you are working and receive SSI its helpful to file taxes to ensure you receive any refunds.
    • You are not obligated to file taxes if you earned less than $12,950 from work in 2024.
  • SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) may be taxable if you have other income or your SSDI exceeds $25,000. In 2024, if you earned over $25,000 as an individual or $32,000 as a married couple filing jointly, you may need to pay federal taxes on a portion of your SSDI benefits.

Free Tax Help - The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax preparation for people with disabilities and those with low-to-moderate incomes. Use the IRS locator tool or call the IRS at 800-906-9887 to find a VITA near you.

My Free Taxes by United Way (Myfreetaxes) (Spanish - Myfreetaxes): Makes filing taxes online easy, safe and free.

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) - If you worked in 2024 and earned less than $63,398, you may qualify for the EITC, even if you receive disability benefits. The credit can reduce the amount of tax you owe and may even result in a refund.

Find additional information on the DOR’s "Empowerment Essentials" webpage or the "IRS Help and Resource Center".

If you have questions about filing taxes, we recommend that you consult a tax professional or the IRS directly at 800-829-1040 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

This Month’s DOR Work Incentive Planning Services (WIP Services) Success Story

Alex, a 30-year-old graphic designer, wanted to go back to work but was worried about how earning money would affect his SSDI and SSI benefits. His Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) counselor connected him with a Work Incentive Planner (WIP) who explained how programs like the Trial Work Period (TWP), Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE), Impairment Related Work Expenses and Continued Medi-Cal and Medicare Coverage could help him start working without losing benefits right away. His WIP also showed him how only part of his earnings would count toward SSI, meaning he could still receive some benefits while working.

With an employment plan in place, Alex spent a year taking training courses and updated his skills. After that, he found a part-time job in graphic design. As he gained confidence and experience, he chose to increase his hours and earn more money. His WIP guided him through wage reporting and helped him understand a timeline of what to expect with his benefits. He was grateful for the guidance and support that helped him use work incentives to stay financially secure while gaining more independence.

Work Incentive Planning Services at DOR

If you or someone you know gets disability benefits and wants to work, DOR and Work Incentive Planners can help! Did you know that DOR has over 30 certified WIPs across the State of California that provide benefits planning services both in-person and virtually? Meeting with a WIP is a great way to get the facts about your Social Security Benefits. Talk to your DOR counselor for a referral for DOR WIP Services.

If you're not receiving DOR services, contact the Ticket-to-Work Helpline for free benefits planning through a local Work Incentive Planning and Assistance (WIPA) program. Call 1-866-968-7842 (TTY: 1-866-833-2967) or visit the TTW Find Help Tool.

Interested in Receiving DOR Services?

If you are ready to take the first step in an exciting journey with DOR, please click here to get started. You will need to provide additional information about yourself to request services.

Subscribe to our monthly Spotlight on Social Security Newsletter, which focuses on topics related to Social Security Disability Benefits and provides important information that can help you make informed decisions about your future. Browse past newsletters online.

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