Ukiah Office

Office Address: 625 Kings Court, Suite A, Ukiah, CA 95482
Redwood Empire Offices

Ryan Estevo
Main Phone Line: (707)463-4791
Hello, my name is Ryan. I am the Student Services Vocational Counselor at the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) Ukiah Branch Office. I have been with the DOR since 2018 and work primarily with high school and college students ages 16-21. Currently, I am one of the counselors for those receiving Student Services through the Transition Partnership Program for Mendocino County Office of Education. I work with students from Ft. Bragg Unified and Mendocino Unified School Districts, and Pt. Arena Joint Union High School. I am the main counselor for those receiving Student Services through collaboration with the Lake County Office of Education’s Workability Program and serve all school districts in Lake County.
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