Important Updates for
Community Rehabilitation Programs (CRPs)

The following important updates to Fee for Service Vocational Rehabilitation and Pre-Employment Transition Services provided by Community Rehabilitation Programs are arranged by type of service and then chronologically by most recent update to oldest update. Please scroll through the entire page to read the most recent updates by effective date.
Interpreter/Communication Services
American Sign Language Interpreting and Tactile Interpreting Rate Adjustment, Effective August 1, 2023
Effective August 1, 2023, the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) is adjusting the rate paid for American Sign Language Interpreting and Tactile Interpreting from a set hourly rate to a null rate that will be negotiated with Interpreting service providers. This negotiated rate will require District Administrator (DA) or DA designee approval.
The former rate for both services was $75/hour and in some regions of the state, the rate for both services was $80/hour due to a higher cost of living. The rate for both services has been adjusted to a null rate. This rate adjustment is intended to ensure DOR consumer access to these essential services and support Interpreting service providers as educational requirements and economic conditions change in the future.
Orientation and Mobility Services
Orientation and Mobility Evaluation and Training Services Rate Adjustment, Effective August 1, 2023
Effective August 1, 2023, the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) has revised the service structure of the fee-for-service Orientation and Mobility Training (O&M) service and increased the rate paid for services. The rate for the O&M Evaluation has also been increased to align with the rate changes applied to O&M Training. These modifications are intended to support maintaining DOR consumer access to services and support Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) capacity to recruit and retain qualified staff, provide quality services at competitive rates, and enhance flexibility to fill service needs.
DOR Student Services
Launch of Group Option for Fee for Service DOR Student Services, Effective August 14, 2023
Effective August 14, 2023, the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) is launching a group option for fee-for-service DOR Student Services which can be purchased from Community Rehabilitation Programs (CRPs).
A group option for the following DOR Student Services is now available to be authorized and provided by a CRP once the CRP has received DOR certification:
- Job Exploration Counseling
- Postsecondary Counseling
- Workplace Readiness Training
- Self-Advocacy Training
Please note that Paid Student Work Experience does not have a group option.
General DOR Student Services Form Templates
Student Work Experience Rate Adjustment, Effective October 14, 2022
Effective October 14, 2022, the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) has adjusted the rate for the administrative component of DOR Student Services Paid Work Experience (SWE) authorized under Procedure Code P2-CRP from $680 to $1,450 per student per work experience. The SWE service was developed to provide a student with a disability (SWD) the opportunity to explore paid work experiences. The rate for the SWE services was adjusted to align with rates established for Adult Work Experience. Please see the below for the revised Student Services Work Experience Cost and Referral Worksheet and Hourly-Based Progress Report
Paid Student Work Experience Forms Templates and Documents
Paid Situational Assessment
Paid Situational Assessment Rate Restructure, Effective December 1, 2022
Effective December 1, 2022, the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) has revised the structure of the Paid Situational Assessment service to support the continued availability of this service in light of recent increases in state and local minimum wages. DOR has added a separate component to Paid Situational Assessment to reimburse consumer wages and Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) employer of record (EoR) fees. With this service restructure, DOR has also adjusted the hourly service rate from $48 per hour to $44 per hour. Please see the below for the Paid Situational Assessment Referral and Cost Worksheet.
Paid Situational Assessment Form Templates and Documents
Supported Employment / Employment Services
Supported Employment Job Coaching (SE-JC) Rate Changes, Effective January 1, 2025
Effective January 1, 2025, the rate for Supported Employment Job Coaching (SE-JC) was increased to variable rates across the state to align with rate increases made by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS). The rate authorized will be based on the DOR Consumer’s home Regional Center. This marks the third of three rate increases. Please see below for the revised Supported Employment Job Coaching Rate Reference sheet.
Short Term Supports (STS) Rate Changes Effective January 1, 2025
Effective January 1, 2025, the rate for Short Term Supports (STS) was increased to variable rates across the state to align with rate increases made by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) for Supported Employment Job Coaching. The rate authorized will be based on the location of the DOR Consumer’s worksite within a Regional Center Catchment area. This marks the third of three rate increases. Please see below for the revised Short Term Supports Rate Reference sheet.
Supported Employment Services DR380 Series Forms Retired, Effective August 1, 2022
Effective August 1, 2022, the Community Resources Development Section (CRDS) retired the use of the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) numbered forms for Supported Employment (SE) services, the DR 380 Series.
For an overview of these changes, please refer to the Supported Employment Forms Revision Chart (Accessible Word Document).
New Forms Templates to Use as Replacements for the DR 380 Series, Effective August 1, 2022
Due to recent changes to the Supported Employment program (SE), CRDS has retired and replaced the DR 380 forms series with optional form templates that maintain the essential elements that DOR needs to process billing. These form templates integrate information from the prior SE forms and previously developed Employment Services (ES) form templates. The form templates will now be referred to by their title rather than DR form number.
New form templates that replace the Supported Employment DR 380 series of forms include:
SE Monthly Job Coach Report (this has been revised since last received from your Resource Specialist)
- Virtual Job Coaching now included on this form template
Community Rehabilitation Programs (CRPs) providing Employment Services (ES) or Supported Employment (SE) Services to DOR SE Consumers may use the new form templates for invoicing/reporting or may create their own invoice/report form if the same information/data is covered. CRPs should contact their assigned local Community Resources Development Resources Specialist if they prefer an unrestricted/unlocked template to customize for their agency.
Supported Employment Services Changes, Effective July 1, 2022
Effective July 1, 2022, the Department of Rehabilitation expired the use of the following Supported Employment benchmarks:
Supported Employment Intake (42CRPi)
Supported Employment Placement (43CRPp)
Consumers who were previously receiving these services will now be referred and authorized to the following Employment Services Benchmarks:
Employment Services Intake (124CRP)
Employment Services Preparation (125CRP)
Employment Services Job Development and Placement (126CRP)
Consumers enrolled in Supported Employment services will continue to receive authorization for Supported Employment Retention (44CRPr) upon completion of the three Employment Services benchmarks.
As a result of these changes, the following rate increase has been applied:
The rate for Employment Services Intake was increased from $330.00 to $360.00 per consumer.
Supported Employment – Employment Services Rate Reference Sheet
Related Links
(prior to 12.2021) DOR Terms and Conditions
(01.2022 through 02.2022) DOR Terms and Conditions
(03.2022 through 04.2022) DOR Terms and Conditions
(effective 05.2022) Find a Rehabilitative Provider