Student Services

Ask Yourself
Are you interested in exploring the world of work?
Do you wonder what it takes to be successful in a job?
Would you like to get some work experience?
Are you curious about options for school after you graduate?
Do you want your services to start right away?
If you answered yes, DOR Student Services could be right for you!
What are DOR Student Services?
DOR Student Services are activities that support you in exploring and preparing for the world of work. Services are based on your interests – you could try a bunch of activities, or just a few.
DOR Student Services include all of the activities listed on the Explore Your Options and Get Ready to Work pages. They're also a fast track to services, so you can get started right away.
Who Can Get Them?
To get DOR Student Services:
You must be a student (you need to be enrolled in school, but it's okay if you're on break or if school hasn't started yet).
You're between the ages of 16 and 21 (including 16 and 21).
At least one of these options is true:
You have a 504 Plan, or you’re eligible for one if you want one.
You have an IEP.
You have a disability.
Others think you have a disability.
How to Get Started?
All you need to do is request DOR Student Services!
Complete the request online here: Student Services Request
or fill out a DR 203 - DOR Student Services Plan Request (PDF) and get it to your Local DOR Office.
Have questions? Want to talk to someone?
Just call your local DOR office, or send an email to the Youth Services inbox.
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