Role of the ADA Coordinator

The ADA Coordinator is Essential to Effective Implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) calls for every public entity that employs 50 or more persons to designate at least one employee to coordinate its efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under the ADA (Regulation §35.107). The State entity must make the name, office address, and telephone number of the ADA Coordinator readily available to all interested individuals.
The dissemination of information about how to locate the ADA Coordinator helps to ensure that persons dealing with large agencies/departments are easily able to find a responsible person who is familiar with the requirements of the Act and who can communicate those requirements to others in the agency/department. The ADA Coordinator is also responsible, within the entity, for carrying out investigations of complaints alleging noncompliance or alleging any action that would be prohibited under the ADA. It is critical that the ADA Coordinator has direct access to the Department/Agency Director so that noncompliance issues can be promptly and effectively corrected when identified.
The ADA Coordinator duties require the attention of a well-trained and experienced professional who can effectively handle a variety of responsibilities. Duties include coordination and development of ongoing efforts for full ADA compliance including consultative services to management. Other tasks include arranging for and/or conducting training on the ADA; coordinating and monitoring architectural barrier surveys; developing processes for prompt fulfillment of requests for alternative formats, interpreting services and other communication access needs; development of the required Transition Plan to remove access barriers; involvement of the department's Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) to facilitate policy formation and to review existing policies such as reasonable accommodation.
The Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) is designated as the lead department to assist other State entities in their efforts to become fully ADA compliant. Agencies/Departments may contact the DOR Disability Access Services Section for ADA technical assistance and questions at 916-558-5755, 844-729-2800 (TTY) or email
- ADA Title II Regulations Notice and Designation of Responsible Employee
- ADA Best Practices Tool Kit for State and Local Governments
DOR ADA Coordinator Notice
- ADA Coordinator Public Notice Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (PDF)
- ADA Grievance Procedure Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (PDF)