Supported Employment Program

The Supported Employment Program provides activities and services, including ongoing support services, needed to support and maintain an individual with a most significant disability, including youth with most significant disabilities, in an integrated employment setting for the term of employment.
What If I Want to Work But I Need Help to Learn and Do My Job?
The Department has a Supported Employment Program that can provide a job coach to help you learn your job, do well at your job, and keep working.
How Does the SEP Work?
The DOR partners with Community Rehabilitation Programs, which provide a range of vocational rehabilitation services directly to DOR consumers.
How Will a Job Coach Help Me?
A job coach supports an individual in learning and performing their job duties. Job coaching can be provided individually or in a group. If you receive individual support, job coaching will be gradually reduced until you can perform most, if not all, of your job duties without assistance.
How Long Can I Receive Supported Employment Services?
DOR Supported Employment services are typically limited to 24 months. After you and your counselor decide that you are in a good job match, the DOR will help you transition to extended services. These include services through regional centers or other funding sources or "natural supports" from business supervisors, friends, or family members.
How Do I Get Supported Employment Services?
You can apply for Supported Employment and other DOR services through our application process.