
Transition Partnership Programs
(High Schools)
Transition Partnership Programs (TPP) are established with select Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR). The TPP provides enhanced, coordinated vocational services including DOR Student Services and employment preparation, job development, and short-term support services to successfully transition students with disabilities into meaningful employment.
Would you like to learn more about TPP services? Are you interested in receiving TPP services? To find out whether you have a TPP in your area, please call your local DOR office.
WorkAbility II Programs
(Adult Education)
WorkAbility II (WAII) are established with select Adult Schools, Regional Occupational Programs/Centers and the DOR. WAII provides enhanced, coordinated vocational services for adult consumers, and in school youth with disabilities. Consumers are referred to the WAII program by their DOR Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for enhanced, coordinated vocational services to help them obtain meaningful employment.
Available Services:
- Work Experience
- Employment Preparation
- Job Development
- Short-Term Supports (Job Coaching)
... and more!
Would you like to learn more about WAII services? Are you interested in receiving WAII services? To find out whether you have a WorkAbility II program in your area, please call your local DOR office.
WorkAbility III
(Community College)
WorkAbility III (WAIII) are established between select California Community Colleges and the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR). The WAIII programs serve individuals with disabilities who are both community college students and DOR consumers desiring and in need of employment. Consumers are referred to the WAIII program by their DOR Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for enhanced, coordinated vocational services to help them obtain meaningful employment.
Available Services:
- Internships
- Employment Services such as Employment Preparation and Job Development
- Short-Term Supports
... and more!
Would you like to learn more about WAIII services? Are you interested in receiving WAIII services? To find out whether you have a WorkAbility III program in your area, please call your local DOR office.
WorkAbility IV
WorkAbility IV (WAIV) are established with select California university campuses and the DOR. The WAIV program serves individuals who are DOR consumers, attending California State University (CSU) or University of California (UC), and desiring employment. Consumers are referred to the WAIV program by their DOR Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for enhanced, coordinated vocational services to help them obtain meaningful employment.
Available Services:
- Internships
- Employment Services such as Employment Preparation and Job Development
- Short-Term Supports
... and more!
Would you like to learn more about WAIV services? Are you interested in receiving WAIV services? To find out whether you have a WorkAbility IV program in your area, please call your local DOR office.
(Community Colleges & Regional Centers
The College-to-Career (C2C) program is a partnership with select community colleges to serve individuals with intellectual disabilities (I/D) and autism. C2C students must be DOR and Regional Center consumers. The program provides employment preparation and soft skills training in addition to some instruction in independent living skills, and campus inclusion. C2C participants are expected to be included in these specialized services in addition to regular educational or vocational classes provided by the college. The goal of the program is for the C2C students to become employed in a competitive integrated community-based job.
Available Services:
- Internships
- Employment Services such as Employment Preparation and Job Development
- Short-Term Supports
... and more!
Would you like to learn more about C2C services? Are you interested in receiving C2C services? To find out whether you have a College-2-Career program in your area, please call your local DOR office.
(High School Work Experience Only)
The We-Can-Work (WCW) contracts are between select Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) to provide work-based learning experiences for students with a disability (SWD), ages 16 through 21, who are in high school.
DOR Student Services work experience consists of short-term placements either on or off campus. Work experience may include paid/unpaid internships, paid/unpaid employment, summer work experience, work exploration, and job shadowing. Work experiences are intended to be temporary placements to gain experience in the workplace, but not obtain a permanent job. They may also result in the development of any of the following: vocational direction, appropriate work attitudes, ethics, interpersonal skills, speed, and accuracy as well as some limited occupational skills. Work experience is not intended to be training in specific occupational skills.
Available Services:
- Work Experience
Would you like to learn more about We-Can-Work services? Are you interested in receiving We-Can-Work services? To find out whether you have a We-Can-Work program in your area, please call your local DOR office.
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