WIP Success Stories

Featured Success Stories
WIP: Lusine Asatryan, Van Nuys/Foothill District
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
Before WIP Services
When Charlie received a job offer from a pet resort company to work as a caretaker for dogs, which paid $14 per hour working 30 hours per week, Charlie was very hesitant about taking the job. Ever since he lost most of his vision in 2010, Charlie had not worked and was dependent on his Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) checks of only $1,200/month. Charlie was very concerned about losing his Medicare and Medi-Cal benefits if he accepted the job offer. He knew that he could not afford to lose his Medi-Cal, because it paid for his In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS). He was approved for approximately 40 hours of IHSS monthly, and he needed the help, especially to get ready for work in the morning.
After WIP Services
Charlie’s Rehabilitation Counselor referred him to Lusine, who told him about the higher Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) amount for blind individuals and informed him that, according to the information in his Benefits Planning Query (BPQY), obtained from the Social Security Administration (SSA), he met their definition of statutory blindness. Lusine explained to Charlie that, if he worked 30 hours per week, earning $1,818.60 per month, his earnings would still be below SGA for blind beneficiaries ($2,190 in 2021). This means that he could continue working and getting his full SSDI check even after his 9-month Trial Work Period (TWP) ends.
Lusine explained the Medi-Cal Working Disabled program, which enables working Californians with disabilities to continue receiving their Medi-Cal and IHSS while earning up to around $60,000/year. Lusine referred Charlie to the local Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) office to apply for the program.
While expressing his happiness about all the work incentives available to him, Charlie stated: "There is nothing else I could ask for". Charlie was even happier when Lusine referred him to the local Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) project to receive long-term work incentives planning services once his DOR case is closed. Lusine also gave him a list of Employment Networks that offer work incentives planning services and job retention supports. Charlie enjoys his job, and he was recently told by his employer that he would receive a promotion soon!
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WIP: Becky Spadoro, Santa Barbara District
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
Before WIP Services
Desiree has an AA degree in Office Management, an AA degree in Spanish and is certified in Software Management. She receives Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) as she has Thoracic Outlet Syndrome which affects both of her arms and results in pain. She receives an SSDI check of $1,048/month after her Medicare premium is deducted. She is married and is enrolled in her husband’s employee health plan. Desiree was working two part-time jobs earning $900.00/month while she was pursuing her career goal as an Accounting Clerk. She wondered how her disability benefits would be affected by her earned income.
After WIP Services
Desiree’s confidence greatly increased after her first meeting with Becky. She became dedicated to searching for jobs that matched her vocational goal, worked with the Business Specialist, and participated in local job fairs. Desiree was excited when she got a job offer for an Accounting Assistant position for a post graduate educational institution, earning $3,250 per month. Desiree and Becky discussed her available work incentives, including the 9-month Trial Work Period, 36-month Extended Period of Eligibility, and her Cessation and Grace Months. Becky predicted the date for termination of SSDI benefits due to Substantial Gainful Activity level earnings to be a few years down the road. Desiree will continue to have her Medicare as long as she pays her premiums.
Desiree continues to work with Becky so that she can make an informed choice on her healthcare options, including her employee-sponsored health plan, her husband’s employee health plan, and her Medicare. She may also enroll in the Medi-Cal Working Disabled Program. Through WIP Services, she is able to plan financially for her future, make informed choices on health care, contribute to retirement savings, and use her education toward investing in a rewarding career.
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WIP: Scott Brown, Greater East Bay District
Social Security Income (SSI)
Before WIP Services
Luis is 22 years old and is a native Spanish-speaker. His parents are mono-lingual, but Luis has become a great English-speaker. Luis has lost much of his hearing and is now mostly deaf. He primarily uses American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate. He can use his voice well and read lips, but he must utilize 3 languages to communicate with this family, friends, co-workers and other people in his life, which can be challenging at times.
His family relied on Luis’ Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to make ends meet. Luis wanted a better way to help support his family. After working with his DOR Vocational Rehabilitation Service Delivery (VRSD) Team, he was hired with a major retailer in the stock room. He enjoyed working but people kept telling him he was going to lose his SSI and Medi-Cal in 90 days if he continued to work.
After WIP Services
Luis met with Scott and expressed how much he enjoyed working, but he said he would quit working if it would jeopardize his benefits. Scott explained the work incentives available to him in the SSI program. Once Luis saw that his situation would improve financially when he works, and that his benefits would be there if he needs them, he continued working and has excelled. He is earning $1,414 a month and still receives a portion of his SSI cash benefit. His free Medi-Cal will continue, and soon he’ll be eligible for private health insurance through his employer. Additionally, Luis has recently started a training program for supervisors offered through his employer!
With the services from his WIP, Luis now knows that he can keep his eligibility for SSI and Medi-Cal and work at the same time. At Luis’ young age, he now understands how important working is. He can save for retirement, earn credits, help support his family, and even have extra money for fun things like going out to dinner and a movie, or going on vacation!
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WIP: Mali Lotfalian, Northern Sierra District
Celebrating Success
Before WIP Services
Shawna had been working towards her Bachelor’s Degree for several years. She even admits to pursuing her degree somewhat aimlessly, unsure of what kind of employment opportunities would be a good fit for her without jeopardizing her benefits, especially Medi-Cal. She had an overpayment of her Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits that was worrying her too—she was concerned that her wages may be garnished and she’d lose her benefits when she went to work.
After WIP Services
Shawna told Mali that she was eager to live a life she could be proud of and no longer wanted to depend on her benefits. She was passionate about working, but that passion was held back by her fear of losing her Medi-Cal health insurance. Mali explained that Shawna’s Medi-Cal would continue under the Medicaid while Working program, 1619(b), until her earnings reached $36,928 (2014), and if she earns more, Shawna can apply for the Medi-Cal Working Disabled program.
Shortly after learning this information, Shawna accepted a full-time job with the federal government, earning $2,821 per month! Now with Medi-Cal and her employer-sponsored health insurance, she has great "wrap-around coverage" to address her many medical needs.
Mali also helped Shawna submit a waiver request for her overpayment. As a result, the Social Security Administration reduced the amount of her overpayment to an amount that is much more manageable to repay.
Even though Shawna’s earnings are so high that she isn’t receiving an SSI check, she hasn’t lost her SSI eligibility or Medi-Cal. She also has significantly more money now that she’s working than she ever did when she was depending on SSI (more than 3 times as much!). Without WIP Services, Shawna wouldn’t have been able to make an informed choice about employment and may have let her fears get in the way of her passion to work and live a life she can be proud of.
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WIP: Brandi Thomas, Greater East Bay District
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Before WIP Services
Tori and her mom both receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Tori’s mom has come to rely on both of their benefits for the family’s budget. Being on benefits was not Tori’s life goal, but she was worried that she would not be able to get a job that would allow her to still help her family financially and continue going to school. In addition to her own personal barriers as a result of her anxiety disorder, she had a very hard time trusting other people.
After WIP Services
Tori met with Brandi several times and they built a trusting and supportive relationship, where Tori learned about work incentives and developed confidence in making her own decisions about her benefits. Tori got a part time job that she loves at a fabric store with flexible hours. During breaks from school, she works full time, earning approximately $1,700 per month.
She is applying for a Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS), which will allow her to set aside some of her income to pay for the things she needs to complete school and advance in her career.
Tori checks in frequently with Brandi to update her on school and work. She told Brandi that she is able to be a big help to her mom who is now looking for a job! Without the work incentives planning services provided by Brandi, Tori may not have realized her dream of being the first in her family to graduate from college. She’s empowered by her ability to support herself and look out for her family all while going to school for a brighter future. All of this has also helped Tori overcome the barriers of her anxiety disorder.
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WIP: Tracy Hightower, Los Angeles, South Bay District
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Before WIP Services
James began seeking employment with the help of Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) in March 2017. He receives a Title II, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefit of $498 and a Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment of $317.72 per month and has both Medicare and Medi-Cal health insurance. His last employment was from 1984 to 2010 as an Industrial Designer. Since then he has had great difficulty each month making ends meet; he couldn’t afford food for his special diet. When he began receiving DOR Services, he was at risk of eviction from the apartment he was residing in.
After WIP Services
The Work Incentives Planning Services provided by Tracy included: Benefits Planning Query (BPQY) review, wage reporting instructions, work incentives explanation, L.A. County 211 Resource information (for local food/housing resources), Benefits Summary and Analysis (BS&A) and Work Incentives Plan review, and referral to the closest Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) project.
Despite his disability, James started working in October 2017 as a Commercial and Industrial Designer. He works 40 hours per week with an hourly wage of $35.00, which amounts to $6062.00 gross monthly earnings!
Prior to this employment, James had not used any of his nine Trial Work Period (TWP) months, so the Social Security Administration (SSA) will likely determine that his TWP will end in June 2018. His grace period will allow him to continue receiving his full SSDI check until October 2018! His case was closed successfully (rehabilitated) in January 2018, and Tracy referred him to the closest Employment Network (EN) for long-term benefits planning services.
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