State Rehabilitation Council (SRC)

Mission Statement
The SRC, in collaboration with the DOR and other community partners, reviews and analyzes policies, programs and services, and advises DOR on the quality and performance in meeting the Department’s mission.
Vision Statement
The voice of DOR’s stakeholder community.
About the SRC
Section 105 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (as amended) requires consumers, advocates and other representatives of individuals with disabilities to participate in the administration and oversight of a state’s VR program. The SRC fulfills this mandate in California and is required in order for DOR to be eligible for and maintain federal VR funds.
The SRC consists of 16 members appointed by California’s Governor, representing a variety of perspectives from the VR program and disability community. Members can serve up to two consecutive three-year terms. The SRC holds four quarterly in-person meetings throughout the year, typically in DOR’s central office in Sacramento. Members of the public are noticed of the meetings in accordance with California’s Open Meeting Act. The SRC’s responsibilities and activities include:
Evaluation and Recommendations: The SRC reviews, analyzes and evaluates DOR on the performance of California’s VR program. A particular focus is given to eligibility, service provision, and activities that impact employment outcomes. As a result of this process, the SRC adopts recommendations which are submitted to DOR for consideration.
Comprehensive Statewide Assessment: To identify and assess the needs of Californians with disabilities, the SRC collaborates with DOR on the triennial Comprehensive Statewide Assessment.
State Plan: The SRC advises DOR on the development of California’s VR Services Portion of the Unified State Plan. The SRC and DOR partner to develop, agree to and review the plan’s goals and priorities.
Assessing Consumer Satisfaction: The SRC partners with DOR to develop the annual Consumer Satisfaction Survey and to evaluate the survey results.
Coordination and Participation: The SRC actively engages with other councils and advisory bodies in California to enhance the number of individuals served. SRC members also participate in work groups, public meetings and stakeholder forums.
Interested in Becoming an SRC Member?
Would you like to advocate for the employment, independence and equality for individuals with disabilities? Are you interested in becoming a Governor appointee and joining a council that ensures consumers and other stakeholders have a voice in California’s vocational rehabilitation program? If so, then a position on the State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) may be for you! To learn more email
Upcoming Meetings
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Advisory Committees