California Vendors Policy Committee (CVPC)

The California Vendors Policy Committee (CVPC) represents blind vendors who participate in the California Department of Rehabilitation Business Enterprises Program. The CVPC meets at least four times a year. All meetings are held in accordance with the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act of 2004. Agenda items to be transacted or discussed must be placed on the agenda a minimum of ten days prior to any regular meeting.
By Authority granted by Title 9, California Code of Regulations Section 7226 (b) , the California Vendors Policy Committee (CVPC) is the biennially elected committee of licensed vendors who are fully representative of all licensed vendors in the Business Enterprises Program for the Blind (BEP). The CVPC, in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code section 19638(b)(1) , develops policies, standards, and procedures affecting the overall operation of BEP.
- Represent the vendors in the BEP;
- receive and transmit, to the DOR, grievances at the request of licensees and serve as advocates;
- participate with the DOR in development and administration of a state system for the transfer and promotion of licensees;
- participate with the DOR in development of training and retraining programs for licensees;
- sponsor, with the assistance of the DOR, meetings and instructional conferences for licensees within the state;
- conduct all necessary business for liability, workers compensation, retirement, life and health plans for vendors in accordance with California Welfare and Institution Code19629 (a)(5) ;
- be responsive to the needs of the licensed vendors, by seeking opinions and views from the vendors they represent, and communicating all issues to the vendors; and participate at a minimum, with the DOR, in major administrative decisions and policy and program development, any implementation of changes in administrative policy or program development that is within the discretion of the department shall occur only after review by this committee of licensed vendors. As prescribed in California Welfare and Institution Code 19638 .
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Advisory Committees