CVPC Membership

Active participation shall be accomplished only through a majority vote of the CVPC. The members of CVPC, serving two year-terms, consist of and are limited to one voting member duly elected by plurality from the licensed vendors operating a non-interim facility from each of the districts in the state of California. The CVPC meets at least four times a year. All meetings are held in accordance with the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act of 2004. Agenda items to be transacted or discussed must be placed on the agenda a minimum of ten days prior to any regular meeting.
- District 1 - Patche, II, Alternate Delegate
- District 2 - Denise Hudson-Mendoza (Finance Subcommittee Chair)
- District 3 - Barbara Moore (QLDC Subcommittee Chair)
- District 4 - Tristen Kelley (Legislative Subcommittee Chair)
- District 5 - Sandy Balani, CVPC Secretary/Treasurer
- District 6 - Harry Begian, CVPC Chair
- District 7 - Max Duarte, CVPC Vice-Chair
- District 8 - Julie Wakamoto (Rules Subcommittee Chair)
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