Blind Advisory Committee (BAC)

Advancing Employment, Economic Opportunities, and Access for Blind or Visually Impaired Californians
The Department of Rehabilitation is seeking nominations to serve on the Blind Advisory Committee.
About the Blind Advisory Committee:
The Blind Advisory Committee (BAC) is established pursuant to Section 19098.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
The BAC provides advice to the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) on means to increase competitive employment, enlarge economic opportunities, enhance independence and self-sufficiency, and in methods of improving services for persons who are blind or visually impaired.
The BAC develops, in conjunction with stakeholders, an annual work plan to identify and address areas for improvement in services provided by the division to persons who are blind and visually impaired.
The BAC shall consist of no more than thirteen members who represent the wide and diverse interests of blind and visually impaired rehabilitation consumer constituencies. Most of the members shall be blind or visually impaired. Members of the committee who are not blind or visually impaired shall have experience in services to the blind.
Would you like to serve?
The DOR Director-appointed BAC consists of a diverse membership interested in, and representative of, Californians who are blind or visually impaired. The DOR Director appoints representatives of specified entities to a four-year term.
At this time, the recruitment for BAC membership is closed. When a vacancy becomes available, the website will be updated to recruit for vacant BAC membership positions. We invite and welcome you to attend any BAC meeting as they are open to all DOR employees and members of the public. Please check back for upcoming meeting announcements.
How to apply for appointment by the DOR Director to serve on the BAC:
- Complete the application and provide your resume.
E-mail the application and your resume to Jennifer Wilbon at
Questions, please call Jennifer Wilbon at 916-558-5489 or email
Upcoming Meetings
Related Links
Advisory Committees