California Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities (CCEPD)

The California Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities submitted a Benefits Planning Report, Policy Recommendations and Fact Sheet to the Agency Secretaries. The benefits planning report reviews how benefits (cash, health insurance, long-term services and supports, etc.) are a major factor for people with disabilities when making employment. This report took a deep dive on how income and asset eligibility impact lifelong career choices for people with disabilities. It includes policy recommendations in four areas: Social Security Administration, benefits planning infrastructure, health care policy, and implementation of a “no wrong door” system for long-term services and supports.
Workforce Best Practices for People with Disabilities Toolkit (PDF)
The CCEPD developed their Workforce Best Practices for People with Disabilities Toolkit to assist workforce service providers to better serve people with disabilities.
While primarily developed for workforce development boards and America's Job Centers of California (AJCCs), this toolkit has useful information that will benefit any workforce partner. The toolkit recommendations are intended to encourage workforce partners to replicate best practices, as needed in their organizations, and to highlight models that can often be used within organizations.
About the CCEPD
The California Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities (CCEPD) advances employment for people with disabilities by making policy recommendations to the Secretary of the Labor and Workforce Development Agency and the Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency.
The CCEPD also supports an annual event for youth with disabilities. For more information about the YLF, please visit the DOR YLF website or contact us with any questions.
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