CCEPD Membership

The California Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities (CCEPD) has representation from the business community, advocates and state departments. Two Members are also appointed from the Senate Rules Committee and the Assembly Speaker. Additional members can also be appointed by the Health and Human Services Agency Secretary.
CCEPD Membership Roster
Taylor Winchell, Chair , Senior Manager, External Communications, TrueBlue
Roy Kim, Co-chair , Deputy Director of Sacramento Employment and Training Agency
Dani Anderson , Disability Accessibility Manager, County of Ventura, Assembly Speaker’s Office appointee
Brian Carthen , Deputy Director, Office of Civil Rights, California Department of Health Care Services (Designee for Michelle Baass, Director of Department of Health Care Services)
Anisa Escobedo , Principal & Creative Director of Escobedo Design
Robert Fried , Partner, Practus, LLP
Tim Jin , works with the Department of Developmental Services’ Self-Determination Program and serves on serves on multiple boards, task forces, and committees, Senate Rule Committee appointee
Jake Johnson , Acting Deputy Director, Independent Living and Community Access Division, Department of Rehabilitation (Designee for Kim Rutledge, Director, Department of Rehabilitation)
Aparna Kommineni , Founder of Bay Payee & Disability Advocate
Damien Ladd , Chief, CalWORKs Employment Bureau, Department of Social Services (Designee for Jennifer Troia, Director, Department of Social Services)
Harrison Lane , Coordinator of Meristem Transformative Autism Program
Michael Luna , Work Services Section Chief, Department of Developmental Services (Designee for Pete Cervinka, Director, Department of Developmental Services)
LaCandice Ochoa , Dean/Administrator for the Chancellor’s Office Perkins, Strong Workforce, and Strategic Initiative programs in the Workforce and Economic Development Division (WEDD)
Kimberlee Meyer , Assistant Deputy Director, Workforce Services Branch, Employment Development Department (Designee for Nancy Farias, Director, Employment Development Department)
Sandee Nieves , Branch Manager, Statewide Partnerships Team, California Workforce Development Board
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Advisory Committees