California Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities (CCEPD)

Annual Reports
CCEPD annual reports provide overviews of the advisory committee’s work that calendar year, including both policy efforts and work on the California Youth Leadership Forum for Students With Disabilities (YLF).
The CCEPD has developed toolkits with numerous resources so service providers can more adequately address the needs of people with disabilities.
Policy Recommendations
The CCEPD advances employment for people with disabilities by making policy recommendations to the Secretary of the Labor and Workforce Development Agency and the Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency.
Comment Letters
The CCEPD evaluates various state plans, guidances, and directives that impact workforce services, and often provides comment letters to ensure the needs of people with disabilities are adequately addressed.
Other Documents
The CCEPD has also developed other useful resources to help advance employment for people with disabilities.
Related Links
Advisory Committees